
作者: 孔凡涛 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:20

【外文题名】Discussion of Song Qing

【作者】 孔凡涛

【关键词】 宋庆 镇压 防务建设 甲午战争

【外文关键词】 Song QingSuppressionConstruction of Defensethe Sino Japanese War of 1894 1895









【外文摘要】As one of Tidu in later Qing Dynasty, Song Qing spent most of his life time in the army and played an important role in political stage for about fifty years. in his life .In order to maintain the reign of Qing ,he experienced and took part in many important affairs. He suppressed peasant s uprising and resisted foreign country to invade. For safeguarding Qing Dynasty, Song Qing made his contributions to Qing Dynasty.In the preface, brief introduction to Song Qing is first listed, then study on general...

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